To My Future Partner

Dear Love,

I may or may not have known you personally at this time, but I hope everything goes well to you today. I have the deepest longing for you already, such an irony to miss someone I haven’t met yet. We aren’t here together now, but I’m certain that someday we will. You will receive the greatest love that I’ve ever given to anyone. You will have all of my attention, care, and romance. You will be treated well just as how you want it to be, because we will be our own perfect match. You will never need anyone else and I won’t, either. We will be contented with each other sitting on a couch, watching our favorite movie in our dream house on a Saturday night. We would hit the beach the next day, go out with our friends the following week, and visit our families the other week. We would talk about everything, from shallow experiences of our day-to-day mundane work to the deeper thoughts of our existentialist imaginations. We would laugh at our silly jokes, and I will always admire that smile of yours which will be the most radiant to my eyes, I know. I would love to smell your hair, touch your skin, kiss your cheeks, then your lips, and I will never get tired of these sweetest gestures. And finally, I would look into your eyes, uttering words of gratitude for you, for us, for waiting patiently, for finding the right path that would have brought ourselves to such a perfect moment in our lives, a reality we’ve ever dreamed of. I will love you beyond the end of everything.

Always been yours,


© jpethoughts, 2019

51 thoughts on “To My Future Partner

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  1. Beautiful thoughts, but only part of love. After 48 years with my soul mate, I say, remember to leave room for differences as well. It will make your journey so much sweeter. I have defined love to a friend as being with the person you’d rather be driven crazy by than be sane with anyone else.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I will take note of those things. I guess similarity in everything will not be fun at all. Anyway, only time will tell who’d be that person for me. Wish to meet her soon!

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  2. I hope you find her soon. Love is worth waiting for as that person becomes a part of you. My husband of twenty three years is my best friend and lover. We share the same heart. I agree with thepensmight you have to make room for each person to have their own voice and differences. Beautifully written and believe me your partner awaits. Love J.

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    1. Yes, it feels so perfect to find the image of a best friend and a lover in the same person. I agree with him too. It will definitely just right when I meet her 😊

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  3. I think that’s an interesting way of looking at things, I personally don’t agree with and find it very utopic. But I hope for you that things will somehow figure themselves out and you will find your charming princess! Because I’m pretty sure she exits 🙂 all the best!

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    1. Thank you! When I was writing this, I was only thinking of the good sides of a great relationship, but of course there will be some obstacles. In the end, it’s still a rewarding experience to have that someone with you for all these times? I’m so excited to meet her!


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